Monday, December 1, 2008

Michael Silver's column

So usually Michael Silver drives me nuts (he was the guy to print the reasons we all hate Tom Brady last season....), but this morning, I actually liked his column. He broke down why the Chargers are so terrible this year (two words: Norv. Turner.). He appealed to Roger Goodell to get rid of Detroit on Thanksgiving and schedule instead Pats vs. Colts (I am pro, or HELL YEAH as Silver's rant ended). He even didn't have the previous feature of him picking apart grammar/spelling from people writing in, which seemed a bit dumb seeing as these are football fans, not Ph.D. candidates (or as they would call them in Russian, aspirants).

However, what got me thinking was his comment about how this year, the two dominant teams in the AFC are the Steelers and Titans. And suddenly, I felt okay about this fact. I don't know why. I guess because they have both really earned these titles. They are two franchises working hard. For some reason, my hatred of Big Ben has subsided. Pittsburgh's defense is fantastic, while the Titans overall are playing very well (except in that game against the Jets, but in a way that was good because it thwarted a potential I remain convinced Mangini sold his soul for that game, which was a BAD CALL because there is still a lot of football to go). Suddenly, my world is brighter, there are birds singing outside (literally), and I feel okay.

The two dominant teams this year are the Steelers and Titans. They have earned this honor.

The Pats may not make the playoffs (unless my soul-selling scenario is correct and the Jets tank). The Colts probably will, but will hopefully exit early. And the AFC Championship Game might be pretty darned good this year.

On the flip side, if the AFC Championship game pits the Colts vs. Jets, then I may have to give up. Not only would I be unable to choose sides, but either one would likely lead to my two Superbowl nightmares (Manning vs. Manning/NY, NY). So go Titans and/or Steelers!

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