Saturday, November 28, 2009

This data needs to be preserved

So I spent most of my day putting this together: it's the point differential, by quarter, of the Patriots since 2001. Don't even ask.

(Yes, I have other things I should be spending my time doing, and in fact, I am not allowed to leave the house until I finish one of them. Then I shall leave the house to watch the FSU/UF game with a friend; however, until I have finished my work, I am not allowed to go! No more football or football-related activities for at least 3 whole hours!).

1st quarter: +24
2nd quarter: +93
3rd quarter: -6
4th quarter: +33
[OT: +9. three games]

1st quarter: +8
2nd quarter: -21
3rd quarter: +22
4th quarter: +40
[OT: +6, two games]

1st quarter: +45
2nd quarter: +32
3rd quarter: +20
4th quarter: +23

1st quarter: +40
2nd quarter: +82
3rd quarter: +57
4th quarter: +33

1st quarter: +35
2nd quarter: -18*
3rd quarter: +57
4th quarter: +4
*What's interesting here is that the numbers get better as the season goes on, so clearly this was an area of focus

1st quarter: +53
2nd quarter: +61
3rd quarter: -1
4th quarter: +63

1st quarter: +87
2nd quarter: +118 (!)
3rd quarter: +40
4th quarter: +73
I think that these numbers are skewed because if you have a 35-7 lead at the half, maybe you don't score so much in the 2nd half.

1st quarter: +23
2nd quarter: +44
3rd quarter: +40
4th quarter: +6

2009 (ytd)
1st quarter: +44
2nd quarter: +73
3rd quarter: -2
4th quarter: +18
[OT: -3, 1 game]

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