Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today was a good day

Lots of goodness today.

1) Tony Romo just made one of the most idiotic plays I have ever seen.  Four seconds left in the half, he decides to try a lateral, it doesn't work because the player who catches it fumbles, Washington picks up the ball and scores a touchdown.  Commentators then go out of their way to call him stupid for this play, including a comment that his coach was purportedly 'furious.'  Good stuff.  Looks like we are off to another one of those seasons for the Cowboys.

2) Pats win!  Remember back when we started the season scoring 38 points a lot?  I remember that season, it was 2007.  That's the number of points that we scored today.

3) Randy Moss goes on a rant and tells the media to STFU.  Media response: to make this a far more ridiculous story than it actually was.  Here's what I have to say: pay the man his straight cash, homey.

4) Not only do the Colts lose, they lose because they allow 231 yards on the ground (!).  This is like the 2004 Colts or something.  Going to be a long season if they've regressed on defense.

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