Monday, December 21, 2009

Richie Incognito kisses some butt

I was at the game yesterday, and let me tell you, Richie Incognito, the most recent acquisition for the Bills, was not shy. He walked out like he owned the place, stomping around not unlike Ogre in Revenge of the Nerds. However, he didn't actually have much of an impact on the game, then went and praised the Patriots like they were the second coming of defensive schemes in the NFL or something.

For instance:

"Some teams try to do a variation of it, but no one does it like the Patriots," he said. "The whole front is fluid, the whole front is moving. With other teams, you might see two or three guys floating, but you won't see a whole floating front. It's definitely tough to protect against."

Someone wants to be a Patriot...

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