Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Peyton skips Manning Day

Okay, to start, it pains me that there is such a thing as Manning day. Thank GOD I do not live in Mississippi.

What's even better though is that apparently March 10 was Manning Day in Mississippi (did you dust off your old Manning stocking and put up your Manning lights and pick out a Manning tree?). However, Peyton ditched Manning Day to go play golf with Tiger Woods.

Now if Tiger Woods called me up and asked if I wanted to go for a round, I would probably say sure and drop pretty much everything I was doing to go and do so. Or maybe not. I'm not much of a golfer truth be told. However, what kills me here is that Peyton is not the average Joe Schmoe who might never get the opportunity to meet a celebrity like Tiger Woods. No. Last time I checked, Peyton is one of the pre-eminent (*cough*) quarterbacks in the National Football League. I would think that he and Tiger could have their people talk with each other and sort something out, maybe re-arranging for one of the 364 days that is not Manning Day.

Seriously? Manning Day?

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